Samantha is a nationally competitive 53kg Olympic lifter, and a competitive Crossfitter with 5 years of experience as a Crossfit coach.

Samantha’s four-part seminar  will address mastering the movement of your own bodyweight. The movements covered are those required of any athlete that hopes to achieve success as an Advanced-level Crossfitter or for any individual simply to gain kinesthetic awareness. The movements and skills covered include but are not limited to: muscle-ups, kipping pull-ups, handstand push-ups, handstand walking, kipping toes-to-bar/knees-to-elbows. We will also be learning the appropriate progressions to help the coach and athlete alike achieve these skills in a safe and effective way, as well as ways to address these movements with respect to any injuries or limitations you may have.

All levels are welcome and encouraged to attend – from beginners to advanced-level competitors. You will receive individualized attention that addresses your needs, along with video review and ways to properly cue and correct your form.

Session Three: Sat, November 16th 2-4 pm ($20)

Skills include: Butterfly kipping pull-ups, Handstand walking: shifting weight, thigh slaps, wall handstand walk sideways, kick-up with extension (wall), free standing walking (partner)

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