Skills: 10 minutes of double under practice.



4 Rounds for time…..

400 meter Run,

5 C2B Pull-ups (Competitors) 3 Muscle Ups/skip ring dips,

9 Ring Dips

15 Wall Balls (14/20) Competitiors (20/25)



Warm up: 10 minutes of barbell drills (Coaches Choice)

Power Snatch (3-3-2-2) @ 65%, 70%, 75%, 80% of 1RM,

Back Squat (5-3-3-2) @ 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% of 1RM,

Good Mornings (4×3) @ 25% of 1RM Back Squat,

Snatch Deadlift with 2 sec. halt above knee (3×3) @ 80% 1RM Snatch.

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