Our CrossFit Infernal community is an amazingly friendly, tight and supportive bunch of people – who rarely see each other showered, dressed in anything other than workout gear or not covered in chalk – and we believe it is high time we changed that!

Starting this month (no joke, as I realize its April 1) we will be endeavoring to host one outside event every month to give us a chance to spend time together outside the box, in the real world, wearing actual clothing without lycra, while we attempt to talk about something other than the days’ WOD (I already see an epic FAIL there!) and engage with the larger community. This may be a happy hour at a local restaurant to support our business community or by the pool in Coach Vanessa’s backyard. Or it may be a volunteer opportunity such as the Special Olympics or Habitat for Humanity. Or it may just be something utterly, ridiculously fun like a night at Trapeze U, bowling, go-kart racing or even indoor skydiving in Eloy!!!!!

Our first event is actually this Saturday 4/5, volunteering at the track & field events at the AZ Summer Special Olympics in Tucson from 12-4. If you have never done this, it is not to be missed, you will get back so much more than you will give. (And that’s true, even though its a total cliche!)

If that’s not your thing, or the kids have practice/games/etc on Saturday, our first official event is a simple happy hour, Friday April 11 at 7 pm (has to be that late to give the sad sucker, er, coach who has the 6 pm slot a chance to join us!), location TBD. We hope everyone will come out and play, and that includes you, Chandler Weightlifting peeps. Yes, even you and the beard are invited Nick.

If you have questions, suggestions for activities, or are willing to occasionally lend a hand with the planning (please please please), get in touch with Mollie.


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