A. 3 Min EMOM:
– (Hi-Hang squat Snatch + Snatch Balance) X 2 (Light, perfect Form)
B. 4 Min EMOM:
– Hang Squat Snatch + OHS (building)
@ 7:00
C. 5 Min EMOM:
– Squat Snatch X 1 (build to heavy)
B. “Friendly Fran: (12 min cap)
3 Rounds For Time:
– 21 Thrusters (95/65) (+115/75)
– 21 Pullups (+C2B)

**Fitness Program Options**
A. Power Snatch +OHS, or KB Swings
B. DB Thrusters or Wall Balls, Ring Rows

A. 3 Sets:
– AMRAP “tough” UB HSPU (+Strict)
Rest 60s
– AMRAP “tough” UB Bench press (115/65) (155/95)
Rest 60s
– AMRAP “tough” UB Pushups
Rest as needed
**Same as last week, try to increase reps across the board
B. 2 Sets:
3 Min AMRAP:
– 50 DUs (+75)
– 10 BBJO (+15) (24/20)
Rest 60s
3 Min AMRAP:
– 50 DUs (+75)
– 10 lateral burpee over rower (+15)
– AMRAP Cals Row
Rest 2 mins

**Fitness Program Options**
A. DB Push Press for HSPU, pushups on knees
B. singles to 45s, burpees to 90s, then move to machine

A. Build to todays “tough”
– TnG DL X 5
2 Sets:
AMRAP UB @ 80%
Rest 60s between
B. 10 AMRAP:
– Hang Power Cleans (95/65) (+115/75)
*10 T2B after each round

**Fitness Options**
B. Hang DB Cleans, Hanging Knee Raises or Ab Mat Sit Ups

Complete the following with a partner
A. For Time:
– 200/150 Cals AB
– 2000m Run (10x200m)
– 200/150 Cals Row
*200m run will start from the handicap spots in front of the front doors!

A. 3 Sets: (final week of this)
– Front Squat X 3 @ 31×1 (Add weight to last week)
Rest 20s
– Back Squats X “tough UB” set(same weight, no tempo)
*Keep bar moving, minimal pause at the top
B. 10 Min AMRAP:
A. 3 Sets: (final week of this)
– Front Squat X 3 @ 31×1 (Add weight to last week)
Rest 20s
– Back Squats X “tough UB” set(same weight, no tempo)
*Keep bar moving, minimal pause at the top
B. 10 Min AMRAP:
4 rounds (200ft total)
– 5 KB S2OH (R arm) + 25’ OH Walking Lunge (44/26) (+53/35)
– 5 KB S2OH (L arm) + 25’ OH Walking Lunge
– 30 KB Box Step ups (44/26) (+53/35) to 24/20
– AMRAP Wall Balls w/ remaining time

**Fitness Options**
B. Body weight lunges and step ups

Saturday Woolfeman Special
*8am and 9am classes
– Coach Megans Special BDAY WOD

– Open Gym 8:30am-10:30am

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