Why Template Nutrition Programs are Unreliable

Why Template Nutrition Programs are Unreliable

Template programs, welcome to the world of nutrition shortcuts and scams to take money from you with ZERO concern whether it works or not. I see it happen time and time again, so I’m here today to set the word straight that you will have LESS results...

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Programming for your CrossFit Classes

Programming for your CrossFit Classes

Being into fitness and sports my whole life has given me an extremely broad range of different training modalities and programming. At first, I really didn’t see it as any benefit, because typically moving from one style to another you tend to forget a lot of what you...

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How To Not Tank Your Hormones In The 1st Week Of The Open

How To Not Tank Your Hormones In The 1st Week Of The Open

As CrossFitters, our favorite time of the year is nearly upon us, The Open. This is what we all look forward to all year, a chance to track our progress from last year or stack ourselves up against your friends for 5 weeks. This is the time each year people start to...

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How to Combat Tanking Hormones Post Workout

How to Combat Tanking Hormones Post Workout

While I would never profess to be a nutrition expert, or even know the perfect formula behind post workout recovery and rebuild, I DO have some firsthand knowledge that I believe can help. I have been involved with, and now owner of a CrossFit gym for quite some time....

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How to Incorporate Effective Post Workout Nutrition

How to Incorporate Effective Post Workout Nutrition

Anyone who has ever chosen a CrossFit Gym for their workout routine, knows they are in for an intense workout that affects the entire body. Many CrossFitters associate the intensity of CrossFit based off the PHYSICAL responses; sore muscles, joints, tendons,...

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One Simple Trick to Improve Your Double Unders

One Simple Trick to Improve Your Double Unders

Struggling with your Double Unders? Andrew Woolfe, Owner of the Crossfit Infernal Gym in Chandler, AZ, shows us one simple trick to help finally master those dreaded Double Unders, and finally ditch your single unders during those jump rope workouts.

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What to Expect the First Time You Try CrossFit

What to Expect the First Time You Try CrossFit

We know there are lots of people who want to try Crossfit, but you may be completely nervous or unsure about what you will experience the very first time you give it a try. This article is for you. When you step foot inside any CrossFit gym anywhere in the world, you...

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Relationships and Success

Relationships and Success

One thing that I have learned over the years, is it can be difficult to do things by yourself. Without a support system, it’s extremely challenging to motivate yourself day in and day out to stay accountable and do the little things that in the moment, really don't...

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The CrossFit Open and Keeping It Positive

The CrossFit Open and Keeping It Positive

In a couple weeks the first open workout will be announced, and for us crazy CrossFitters it’s what we have been looking forward to for the past 12 months. It’s our chance to test our fitness against our friends, or see how far we’ve come from last year. Maybe you...

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Programming for classes

Programming for classes

I have been a part of many different fitness programs, just about everything under the sun. When it comes to programming for CrossFit Classes, or quite frankly anything fitness related, there is really no “magic programming”. I’m sorry, there just isn’t. However,...

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