“AMRAP Mentality”
A. 3 Sets:
– Front Squat X AMRAP @ 31X1 (Use same weight as last week)
*Goal is to increase 1+ reps toe each set from last week
Rest 2-3 mins between sets
B. 8 Min AMRAP:
– 750/600m Row
– 40 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
– AMRAP Wall Balls (20/14) w/ remaining time

Rest 4 minutes, then:

C. 8 Min AMRAP:
– 600m Run
– 40 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
– AMRAP Power Cleans (135/95) w/ remaining time

“Shoulder Skills”
A. 10 mins for BB Split Jerk Warm up
4-5 Sets (15 mins max)
– Split Jerk X 2-3 w/ 2s pause in receiving positions
Rest as needed
*Use a load that challenges form/hold, but ISN’T overpowering
B. 15 Min AMRAP:
– 100 DUs (200 singles)
– 30 Pushups
– 100 DUs (200 singles)
– 30 Ab Mat Sit Ups

“Woman Crush Wednesday”
A. “Fran”
– Thrusters (95/65)
– Pullups
B. OPTIONAL additional work:
2-3 Sets NFT
– 2 KB FS X 6-8 @ 3331 (3s down/3s pause/3s up/1s pause)
– 1 “tough” set of UB T2B (keep form and breathing in tact)

A. 2 attempts to find MAX RPMs on Assault bike and MAX Wattage on Rower
B. 2-3 Sets:
– AB @ 70% of max for “as long as comfortable”
Rest 30s
– Row @ 60% of Max wattage for “As long as comfortable”
Rest 30s
– 60s AMRAP BBJO (20/16”)
*Must clear entire box on jump
Rest to FULL recovery before next set

**”As long as comfortable= until your breathing becomes uncontrollable, local musculature becomes uncomfortable, paces drop, or all of the above!

Friday (30 min Cap)
“Jumping Hinge Squats”
A. Full BB/Snatch Warm up
B. Complete For Time w/ a Partner:
– 100 DUs (each, at the same time)
– 80 KB Swings (70/54)
– 100 DUs (each, at the same time)
– 60 Power Cleans (155/105)
– 100 DUs (each, at the same time)
– 40 Squat Snatch (95/65)

A. 9am CrossFit Class
*Coaches Choce 😉

Open Gym: 8:30am-10:30am

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