“ Paper Shredder”
A. 3 Rounds (1 round every 7 mins):
– 60s Max Pullups
Rest 30s
– 60s Max S2OH (135/95)
Rest 30s
– 60s Max Lateral Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Rest 30s
– 60s Max T2B
Rest 90s
B. 2-3 Sets NFT:
– Strict Pullup X AMRAP + Max Bar Hang (don’t come off bar)
– Strict HSPU X AMRAP + AMRAP HS Hold against wall

“In N Out Burger”
Warm up:
– 1-2 attempts to find max RPM on the assault bike
A. Every 4 mins for 32 (8 Sets):
-15s AB Sprint @ 95-100% Effort
Rest 60s
-15s Row Sprint @ 95-100% Effort
Rest 60s
– 10 Burpees AFAP
Rest until 4 min interval has finished
B. 2 rounds:
– 60s Plank
– 60s Bicycle
– 60s Hollow Rocks
Rest 60s

“Squat Cycle Finals”
A. 1 Set:
– Back Squat X 20 @ 60% (same weight as last weeks 2×15)
B. 3 Sets:
– 50’ UB KB FR Walking Lunge (heavy as possible)
Rest 20s
– AMRAP UB Wall Balls (30/20)
Rest 3-4 mins between sets

“Ghost Town”
A. 5 min AMRAP:
– 30/24 Cal Row
– 100 DUs
– AMRAP Cals Row w/ remaining time
Rest 5 mins
B. 5 Min AMRAP:
– 30/24 Cals AB
– 20 Deadlifts (225/155)
– AMRAP Cals Row w/ remaining Time
Rest 5 mins
C. 5 Min AMRAP:
– 30 BF Burpees
– 20 Power Snatch (75/55)
– AMRAP BF Burpees w/ remaining time

“Murph Prep”
A. Every 7 minutes for 28 mins:
– 400m Run
3 rounds:
– 5 Pullup
– 10 Pushup
– 15 Air Squats
**Wear a vest If you have one/want!
B. Coaches Core 😉

Woolfeman Special (announced Friday Night)

Open Gym 8:30am-10:30am

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