A. 2-3 Sets
– 30s Hip Flexor (each) + 5 Ido Press + 5 Sky Reach + 5 cossack (each)
– 5 Inchworm + 30s nose to wall hold + 10 PVC Pass Through
-20s Hollow Hold + 8-10 Alt. 1-leg V-ups (each) + 20s hollow hold
B. Every 3 mins for 15 (5 sets):
– AMRAP Front Squats @ 31×1
– Easy Row/AB/Run w/ remaining time
* goal is 6-8+ with a “heavy” load
**if not enough weight, AMRAP normal tempo in a 60s interval
C. 3-4 Sets
40s on/20s off
– Back Squats
– Floor Press
– Alt. Jumping Lunges
– Pushups
*Rest as needed between sets

A. 2 Rounds:
– 3 Min AB/Row @ “easy”
– 2 Min Run @ “mod”
– 1 Min DUs
– 60s AMRAP Burpee
Rest 60s
– 3 Min AB/Row @ “easy”
– 2 Min Run @ “mod”
– 1 Min DUs
– 60s AMRAP BBJO (20/16)-Clear Entire Box
Rest 60s
B. 10 round Core Tabata
20s on/10s off
– Ab Mat Sit Ups
– Plank Hold
– Bicycle
*you are allowed ONE 2 minute rest period, use it where its needed most

A. 2-3 Sets:
– 10 ostrich steps (each) + 10 Alt. 1 arm/leg super mans w/ hold
– 8-10 1 arm lunge+lunge+press+thruster
*keep KB/DB on one arm entire time, switch after 8-10 reps
– 30s Alt. Plank taps + 30s Hollow Rocks
B. 2-3 Sets:
– 60s AMRAP DL @ 31X1 (slow to the ground, pause on ground, normal “lift speed”)
Rest 30-60s
– AMRAP 1 arm Seated DB/KB Press (complete 1arm, then switch)
Rest 30-60s
– AMRAP 1 arm DB Row (complete 1arm, then switch)
Rest as needed
– Cals Row
– Clean & Jerk (95/65)-or light weight
*If no BB, 1 arm DB/KB Clean & jerk can be substituted, just break reps into HALF on each arm (3/3-4/4-5/5, etc)

A. 30 Min AMRAP:
– Run
*everytime you come back in from a run complete 30 Air Squats
Score=Total Air Squats

A. 2-3 Sets:
– 25’ Spider Walk+25’ Samson Walk (Walking lunge w/ pause)
– (2 Pushups + 4 Grasshoppers) X 4-5
– 5 DL + 5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Good Morning + 5 Behind Neck Push Press + 5 Kang Squats
*Complete all w/ BB in snatch grip position
B. 3-4 Sets:
– AMRAP “tough” Floor Press
30s Rest
– AMRAP Pushups
Rest as needed
– AMRAP “tough” Pendlay Row
Rest 30s
– AMRAP KB/DB Swings
Rest as needed
C. 4 Sets:
– 10 Alt. BB Reverse Lunges
– 8 BF Burpees
– 10 Alt. BB Reverse Lunges
– 8 Power Snatch
2 Min Rest
*goal is to work at a FASTER rate than normal, reach closer to “Redline”, rest/recover and pick up where you left off from!

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