A. 3-4 Sets:
– Squat Clean + AMRAP FS @ 31X1
*Mod load, aiming for 8+ reps on the FS with PERFECT FORM
B. 10 Min AMRAP:
– 5 Deadlifts (115/75)
– 7 Hang Squat Cleans (115/75)
– 9 Box Jumps
*If no box, do jumping squats

A. Build to “heavy”
– Strict Press X 5
*Between each set complete 12-15 V-Ups
B. 3 Rounds:
2 Min AMRAP:
– 60s Run
– AMRAP Pushups w/ remaining time
Rest 2 mins

@ 15:00 complete:

C. 3 Rounds:
2 Min AMRAP:
– 60s Run
– AMRAP Burpees w/ remaining time
Rest 60s

A. 5 Sets:
– Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + OHS
*should all be completed at a LIGHT/MOD weight that challenges form, but is not overly challenging
B. 9 Min AMRAP:
– 10 Thrusters (Blank BB)
– 5 Bent Over BB Row
– 15 Thrusters
– 5 Bent Over BB Row
– 20 Thrusters
– 5 Bent Over BB Row
– 25 Thrusters
– 10 Bent Over BB Row
– 30 Thrusters
– 10 Bent Over BB Row
– 35 Thrusters
– 10 Bent Over BB Row
*Every round add 5 Thrusters, and every 3rnds add 5 Bent Over BB Row

A. 3 Sets:
– 2 Min Run (60s easy/30s mod/30s fast)
Directly into:
– 60s Max BBJO (20”/16”, clear entire box)
*or choose something to clear completely
Rest 60s

@ 18:00 Complete:

B. 3 Sets:
– 2 Min Run (60s easy/30s mod/30s fast)
Directly into
– 60s Max burpee to 6” target
Rest 60s

A. 4-5 Sets:
– Power Clean + Squat Clean + Front Squat
*Goal is PERFECT squats to rebuild posture
B. For Time:
– 150 DUs
– 60 Sit Ups
– 30 Deadlifts (225/155)
– 20 1 DB/KB Hang C&J (alt. After 5)
Rest 5 Mins
– 20 1 DB/KB Hang C&J (alt. After 5)
– 30 Deadlifts (225/155)
– 60 Sit Ups
– 150 DUs

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