Labor Day Monday

A. 33 Min AMRAP w/ partner:
$$ In: 87 Wall Balls
– 2 Squat Clean & Jerk
– 21 T2B
– 18 2 KB Step Overs
*@ 0:00, and every 9 mins= 500m Run (together)

**One person working at a time

A. For Time (30:00)
– 75/60 Cal Row
– 50 BF Burpee
– 75/60 Cal AB
– 25 BF Burpee
B. 2-3 Sets:
– L-Sit Hold X AMSAP
– 20 Hollow Rocks
– 15 Arch Rocks

A. 2 Sets:
4 Min AMRAP:
– 400m run
– 50’ OH Walking Luge (35/25)- 25’ down/25’ back
– AMRAP HSPU w/ remaining time
Rest 2 mins
4 Min AMRAP:
– 150 DUs
– 12 OHS (65/45)
– AMRAP Pullups w/ remaining time
Rest 5 Mins

A. 10 Min AMRAP:
– bench Press (95/65)
* 12/9 Cals row after each set

Rest to 15:00

B. 10 Min AMRAP:
– Pushups
* 12/9 Cals AB after each set

A. 3 Sets:
– Front Squat X 3 @ 31×1 (heavy, perfect form)
Rest 20s
– Back Squats X “tough UB” set(same weight, no tempo)
*Keep bar moving, minimal pause at the top
Rest as needed
B. 13 Min AMRAP:
– 20 Thrusters (75/55)
– 10 Lateral Burpee OTB
– 20 Power Snatch (75/55)
– 10 Lateral Burpee OTB

Saturday Woolfeman Special
*8am and 9am classes

Open Gym 8:30am-10:30am

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