A. 2 Sets:
– Back Squat X 15
B. 3 Sets For Max Reps:
– 60s AB Cals
– 60s DB Cleans (50/35)
– 60s HSPU
Rest 2 Mins

A. 15 Minutes to practice pullup/ Muscle Up skills
*If proficient, complete:

3-4 Sets:
– 90s Ski Erg (30s easy/30s mod/30s fast)
– 100’ 2KB OH Walk
– AMRAP “tough” Pulling movement
B. 15 Min AMRAP
– 20 Cal Row
– 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
– 10 Lateral Burpee Over The Rower

A. Build to “tough”:
– Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Squat Snatch
*Start very light, and build in small increments
B. 9 Min AMRAP
– 3 Deadlifts (225/155) (+275/185)
– 5 Box Jumps (24/20)
– 7 T2B

*Complete w/ a partner
*1st partner runs while the other starts on cals. Switch when 1st runner returns
*Once both partners have completed the run, move to 1 person working on cals while the other holds KB positions

KB Weights: 44/26 (+53/35)

A. 8 Min AMRAP:
– 400m Run (each separately)
– AMRAP Cals Row
*after runs, partner holds KB In farmer carry
Rest 3 mins
B. 8 Min AMRAP:
– 400m Run (each)
*after runs, partner holds KB In Front Rack
Rest 3 mins
C. 8 Min AMRAP:
– 400m Run (each)
– AMRAP Cals Ski
*after runs, partner holds KB overhead

6 Week Challenge Retest
*Compare scores to 1/11

A. 10 Min EMOM:
– Front Squat X 2 (build to heavy)
B. For Time (8 min Cap)
– 25 Power Snatch (75/55)
– 9 BF Burpees

Saturday Woolfeman Special
*8am and 9am classes

Open Gym 8:30am-10:30am

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