A. 10 Min EMOM:
– 3 position power Snatch (hi-mid-floor)
*Drop after mid, build to heavy
B. 4-5 Sets:
– OHS X 2 @ 31X1 (add weight)
C. 3-4 Sets:
– Snatch Panda Pulls X 3
D. 16 Min EMOM:
1) 60s Max Cals AB
2) 60s Max Pushups
3) 60s Max Air Squats
4) Rest
*RX+ w/ weight vest

A. 10 mins to Find 2rm Strict Pullup
2-3 sets: (60s on/60s off)
– AMRAP UB Strict @ 40%
B. 3-4 Sets:
– 10 Bent over row
– Supinated Ring Rows burnout
C. Every 5 mins for 4 sets (20 mins)
– 30/24 Cal Row
– 400m Run
*RX+ w/ vest

A. 2-3 Sets:
– DL (~ last weeks amrap weight)
– Strict Press
B. 3-4 Sets:
– 10 BB Hip Thrust + Hip ext. Burnout
– 15 GHD Sit Ups + leg lift burnout
C. 4 Sets:
3 Min AMRAP:
– 15 BF Burpees
– 15 T2B
– AMRAP Wall Balls (20/14) (+30/20)
Rest 60s

Complete w/ partner
A. 30 min AMRAP:
– Max Cals Row
*every 5th min*
– 1 partner does 75 DUs
– 1 Partner does 20/15 Cals AB

A. 10 min EMOM:
– Power Clean + Squat Clean (build to heavy)
B. 4-5 Sets:
– FS X 7 (add weight)
C. 15 min AMRAP
– Bogle Loop Run
AMRAP until 15:00
– 5 Pullups
– 10 Pushups
– 15 Air Squats
@ 15:00
D. For Time
– Bogle Loop Run
*RX+ w/ vest

Saturday Woolfeman Special
*8am and 9am classes
-TBA Friday Night

Sunday Open Gym
– 8:30 am-10:30am

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