A. 4 Sets:
– 24/18 Cals Row (+30/24)
– AMRAP S2OH (95/65) (+135/95)
Rest 60s
B. 4 Sets:
3 Min AMRAP:
– 24/18 Cals AB (+30/24)
– Max BBJO (24/20) (+30/24)
Rest 60s

A. 8 Min EMOM
1) 8 Back Squats (add weight)
2) Rest
B. 7 Min AMRAP
– Power Cleans (95/65) (+135/95)
– T2B
Rest 3 mins
C. 7 Min AMRAP
– Front Squats (95/65) (+135/95)
– C2B (+Bar MU)

A. 12 Min EMOM:
1) 3 Wall Walks
2) 12 DB Snatch (50/35)
3) 15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Then, @ 15:00
B. 10 Min AMRAP:
– 3 Wall Walks
– 12 DB Snatch (50/35)
– 15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Complete w/ a partner:
3 Sets:
10 min AMRAP:
– 400m run (both)
– 100/80 Cals AB
– 100/80 Cals Row
– Max Cals Ski
Rest 3 Mins
*Both working on AB/Row
*One working on Ski

A. 10 mins to Build to MOD-Heavy:
– Squat Clean
B. CF Open 19.3
For Time (10 min cap)
– 200’ dumbbell overhead lunge (50/35)
– 50 DB Step Ups (50/35) to 24/20
– 50 HSPU (+Strict)
– 200’ HS Walk
Then, until 20:00
C. Find 3RM FS (From Floor)

Saturday Woolfeman Special
*8am and 9am classes

Complete w/ a partner
A. 7 Min AMRAP:
-75 (+100) Wall balls (20/14)
-50 Lateral double jump burpees
-AMRAP snatches (95/75) (+135/95)
Rest 3 Mins
B. 7 Min AMRAP:
-50 Lateral double jump burpees
-40 Snatches
-AMRAP Wall Balls
Rest 3 mins
C. 7 Min AMRAP:
-40 Snatches
-75 (+100) Wall Balls (20/14)
-AMRAP lat double jump burpees
Rest 3 mins
*both working on 1st two movements,switch as needed
*one working on AMRAP


Sunday Open Gym
– 8:30 am-10:30am

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