A. 10 Min EMOM:
1) Squat Cleans X (same load across, MOD in weight)
2) T2B X 10-12 UB
B. 10 Min AMRAP:
– Cooper Fun Run
Then, w/ remaining time AMRAP:
– 5 Power Cleans (135/95)
– 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

A. 3-4 Sets:
– Bench Press X AMRAP UB (Men= Bodyweight, Women: 75% bodyweight)
– 50-100’ Sandbag bear hug carry
Rest as needed between sets
B. 2 Rounds:
3 Min AMRAP:
– 500/420m Row
– AMRAP 2DB S2OH (50/35) w/ remaining time
Rest 60s
3 Min AMRAP:
– 25/20 Cal AB
– AMRAP Burpee to 6” target w/ remaining time
Resst 60s

A. Compete to failure (6 sets Max)
– 3 Front Squat
– 6 Back Squat
(complete one after the other, NOT emom style)
Rest ONLY 60s
*Use the 1st load you chose 2 weeks ago for the alternating EMOMS, or around 60% of your 1RM
B. For Time:
– 80 Wall Balls (20/14)
– 40 Pullups

A. 6 min AMRAP:
– 10/8 Cal Row
– 10 Lat. Burpees over rower
Rest 4 mins, then:
B. 6 Min AMRAP:
– 10/8 Cal AB
– 10 Paralette facing burpee
Rest 4 mins, then:
C. 6 Min AMRAP:
– 30 Wtd. DUs
– 10 BBJO (24/20)

A. 3 Sets:
– Banded Deadlift X 3.3.3 (same load across)
Rest 2-3 mins
B. For Time (20 min cap):
– 400m Run
– 30 Snatch (95/65)
– 400m Run
– 20 Snatch (115/75)
– 400m Run
– 10 Snatch (135/95)

9am CrossFit
*Coaches choice 😉

Open Gym: 8:30am-10:30am

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