
Monday A. 3 Sets: – UB Wall Balls X 70-75% of last week’s biggest set Rest 20s – AMRAP TnG Deadlifts (185/135) (+225/155) Rest 3-4 mins *Once speed on DL slows down, set is terminated B. 2-3 Sets: – 10 total 2DB Step Overs (heavy) Rest 20s...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – 10 Back Squats (7/10 RPE) Rest 20s – AMRAP “tough” UB Wall balls (20/14) (+30/20) Rest 3-4 Mins B. 2-3 Sets: – 15 Hollow Rocks – 50’ SB Bear Hug Carry – 15 Arch Rocks – 50’ 2 KB FR Carry Tuesday A. Split Jerk...


Monday A. 10 Min EMOM: – Front Squat X 2 (build to heavy) B. 13 Min AMRAP: – 55 Power Snatch (75/55) – 55 Wall Balls (20/14) – 55 T2B – AMRAP BF Burpees *compare scores to 11/8 Tuesday A. 10-15 mins to practice HSPU *if proficient,...


Monday A. Clean Technique 1-4) Hi-Hang Clean X 3 (5/10) 5-8) Hang Clean (AK) X 2 (6/10) 9-12) Clean X 1 (7/10) B. For Time: 21-15-9 – Deadlifts (135/95) (+185/135) – Box Jump Overs (24/20) Into: 15-12-9 – Deadlifts (185/135) (+235/165) – Box...


Monday A. Front Squat @ 31X1 (FINAL WEEK!) – 5 @ 75% – 3 @ 80% – 1 @ 85% – 5 @ 80% – 3 @ 85% – 1 @ 90% + 1xAMRAP @ 70% (regular tempo) *match %s to last week, increase on AMRAP B. 4 Sets: 2 Min AMRAP: – 10 Lateral Burpee Over...


Monday A. Front Squat @ 31X1 – 5 @70% – 3 @75% – 1 @80% – 5 @75% – 3 @80% – 1 @85% + 1xAMRAP @ 65% (regular tempo) *match %s to last week, increase on AMRAP B. 12 Min AMRAP – 8 T2B – 25’ 1DB OH Lunge (50/35) – 8...

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