
Monday A. 90s on/90s off for 4 sets: – 5 TnG Squat Cleans – “tough” UB Set of Pulling gymnastics B. 3 Sets: 3 Min AMRAP: – 20/15 Cal Row – 10 Lateral Burpee over rower – AMRAP KB Swings (53/35) (+70/53) Rest 60s Tuesday A. 12 Min EMOM:...


Monday A. 12 Min EMOM: 1) 40s Cals Row 2) 40s Front Squats (95/65) (+135/95) 3) 40s C2B (+Ring MU) 4) 40s BF Burpees Rest to 15:00, then: B. For Max Reps: 0-3) Cals Row 3-6) Back squats (95/65) (+135/95) 6-9) Pullups (+Bar MU) 9-12) BF Burpees Tuesday A. 10 Mins to...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – 60s Squat Snatch X Max “QUALITY” Reps (7/10 effort) into: – 60s max Pullup/C2B/Muscle Up Rest 2-3 Mins *Choose whichever gymnastics you’d like for the day! B. 9 Min AMRAP: – Max Cals Row *Every 90s mins & 0:00= 10...


Monday *Only 7:30am and 9am classes!! 4th of July Tribute Wod A. For Time/ partner: $$ IN: – 245 Wall Balls (20/14) – 2021m Row *Both partners working at once switch off as needed Then, complete the following: 7 Rounds: – 4 Bear Complex (115/75)...


Monday A. 10 Min EMOM: 1-3) 3 FS + 1 Jerk @ ~70% 4-6) 2 FS + 1 Jerk @ ~80% 7-10) 1 FS + 1 Jerk @ ~80+% *%s based off last weeks heaviest set B. “Grettel” 10 Rounds For Time: (10 min cap) – 3 Clean & Jerk (135/95) – 3 BF Burpees Tuesday A....


Monday A. 10 Min EMOM: – Front Squat+ Split Jerk (build to heavy) *From Rack B. 3 Sets: 3 Min AMRAP: – 20 1DB S2OH (10 on each) – 20 1DB FS (+DB OHS, 10 on each) – AMRAP HSPU w/ remaining time Rest 60s *RX DB Weight = 50/35 Tuesday A. 20 Min...

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