
Monday A. 3-4 Sets – Back Squat X 5.5 (rest 15-20s) Rest 60-90s *Base weight around last weeks B. 3-4 Sets: – 30s weighted RLE Split Squat directly into – 30s RLE jumping squats Rest as needed *complete all 60s on 1 leg, then switch C. 3 Sets: 4 Min...


Monday A. Accumulate in as little of sets as possible: – 30-40 Back Squats *heavier than last week Rest Only 60s between sets B. 3-4 Sets: – Elevated Wide Stance KB Box squat X 10 @ 31X1 * https://youtu.be/n9BOmnjr51Y Rest 20s – Alt. Jumping Lunges X...


Monday A. As Many Sets as possible: – Back Squats X 3-5 Reps Rest only 60s *Progress total # of sets, or weight on bar from last week B. 3-4 Sets: – 50’ 2KB FR Walking Lunge Rest 20s – AMRAP UB Goblet Squats Rest 20s – AMRAP UB AB-Mat Sit Ups...


Monday A. As Many Sets as possible: – Back Squats X 3-5 Reps @ last weeks weight for 3 Rest only 60s B. 3-5 Sets: – 5-6 Heavy DB Step Ups (each) – Strict T2B X 6-8 C. 3-4 Sets (every 5 mins): – 40s Max Ab Mat Sit Ups Rest 20s – 40s Max...


Monday A. Back Squats – 3×3 – 3×2 – 3×1 B. 3-5 Sets: – RLE DB Split Squat X 6-8 @ 31X1 (each leg) – Strict T2B X 6-8 C. Optional Metcon 15 Min AMRAP – 10/8 Cal AB – 20 Wall Balls (20/14) Tuesday A. Strict Press...


Monday A. Front Squats 5-4-3-2-1 (Build to heavy) B. “Fran” For Time: (12 cap) 21-15-9 – Thrusters (95/65) – Pullups Tuesday A. 30 Min EMOM 1) 12/9 (+15/12) Cal Row 2) 50’ KB Goblet Lunge (53/35) 3) 8-10 Burpee to 6” target 4) 12-15 KB Swings (53/35) 5)...

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