
Monday A. 3 Heavy Sets: – Front Squat X 4.3 @ 80-85% B. 3 Rounds For Time (16 Cap) – 75 DUs – 20 S2OH (115/75) – 75 DUs – 20 Step Ups (50/35) to 24/20’ Tuesday A. 15 Minutes to practice pullup skills *If proficient in pullups, complete:...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Front Squat X 3.2.1 @ 80-85% B. 3 Sets: 4 Min AMRAP – 25 Wall Balls (20/14) – 15 BF Burpees – AMRAP C&J (135/95) (+185/135) Rest 60s Tuesday A. 10 Minutes to practice Toes to bar *if proficient in T2B, complete: 10 Mins...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Front Squat X 2.2 @ 80-85% B. For Time (15 Cap) 60/50 Cal Row Then: 21-15-9-15-21 – Deadlifts (165/125) – T2B Tuesday A. 3 Heavy Sets: – 2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks B. 20 Min AMRAP: – 10 HSPU – 12 1arm DB Hang...


Monday A. Squat Snatch EMOM 1-3) 1.1.1 @ 80% 4) Rest 5-7) 1.1 @ 85% 8) Rest 9-11) 1 @ 90+% B. 3 Sets: 3 Min AMRAP: – 15/12 (+20/15) Cal AB – 15 2DB Cleans (50/35) – AMRAP *Pulling* Rest 2 mins *RX: Rnd 1= T2B, Rnd. 2=C2B, Rnd 3=T2B *RX+: Rnd 1= T2B,...


Monday A. 10 min EMOM: – Squat Snatch X 1 (build to heavy) B. 3 Sets: 3 Min AMRAP – 15/12 (+20/15) Cal Row – 20 Pullups (+C2B) – AMRAP OHS (95/65) (+115/75) w/ remaining time Rest 2 mins Tuesday A. 10 Min EMOM: – Push Press X 2 (build to...


Monday A. Front Squats 5-4-3-2-1-1-1…(build to heavy) B. For Time: 21-15-9 – BF Burpees – OHS (75/55) (+95/65) Then: 15-12-9 – BF Burpees – Power Snatch (95/65) (+135/95) Tuesday A. 5 Min AMRAP: – 100 DUs – Max Def. HSPU @2”/1” w/...

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