
Monday A. 3 Heavy Sets: – Front Squat X 3.3 B. For Time: 3 Rounds: – 8 Power Clean & Jerk (135/95) (+165/115) – 12 BF Burpees Then: 3 Rounds: – 10 Power Clean & Jerk (95/65) (115/75) – 12 BF Burpees Tuesday A. 3 Sets (every 7...


Monday A. Build to todays 1rm Back Squat + 1 Set: – AMRAP Back Squats @ 80% B. 5 Min AMRAP: – 40 Thrusters (75/55) (+95/65) – AMRAP Cals AB Tuesday A. For Time: – 75 Hang Power Snatch (75/55) By Method Of: 3 Min AMRAP: – 12 Pullups (+C2B)...


Monday A. Build to todays “tough” – 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk (from rack) B. 12 Min AMRAP: – 10 KB Swings (53/35) (+70/53) – 50’ 1KB Goblet Hold Lunge – 10 Burpee to target Tuesday A. 3 Sets: – AMRAP HSPU (+ Strict) Rest 20s –...


Monday A. 6 Sets – Back Squat X 6 *goal is to add weight to 1st 6×6 3 weeks ago B. For Time (15:00 cap): – 50 BF Burpees – 75 Wall Balls (20/14) – 50/40 Cals AB Tuesday Press/HSPU A. 5 Min EMOM: – Strict Press X 3 @ 80% of last weeks...


Monday A. 5 Min EMOM: – Srict Press X 1 (from floor, build to heavy) @ 5:00 B. 5 Min EMOM: – Push Press X 1 (from floor) @ 10:00 C. 3 Min AMRAP – AMRAP Power Clean & Jerk @ 80% of heavy on “B” D. 10 Min AMRAP: – Bogle Loop Run w/ remaining...


Monday A. 4 Sets: – Back Squat X 8 (add weight to 4×8 from 3 weeks ago) Rest as needed B. 12 Min AMRAP – 4 DB Thrusters (50/35) – 6 T2B – 21 DUs **Fitness Options** B. DB thrusters, Ab mat Sit Ups, Jump rope singles or jumping jacks...

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