
Monday **Only 5am/7am/8:30am/10am classes. Please sign up online A. Memorial Day Murph AMRAP 1) Partner Version: – 4x400m Run Then, AMRAP Alt. Rounds until 35:00: – 5 Pullups – 10 Pushups – 15 Air Squats Then, at 35:00 – 4x400m Run 2)...


Monday A. 9 min EMOM: – Back Squats @ 31X1 Sets 1-3) 3 Reps 6/10 effort Sets 4-6) 2 Reps @ 7/10 effort Sets 7-9) 1 Rep @ 8/10 effort B. 10 Min EMOM: 1) 15 Wall Balls 2) 10 Burpee to 6” target Tuesday A. 5 Sets: – Strict Press X 2 * 2 “feeler” sets, 3 tough...


Monday A.. 4-5 Sets: – 8-10 Hang Power Cleans Rest 30s – 15-20 Pushups Rest 30s – 25-30 Air Squats AFAP Rest as needed between sets B. 5 min AMRAP: – 30 DL (MOD-HEAVY ~185/135ish) – 30 Box Jump Overs – AMRAP Burpees Reat 3 mins C. 5...


Monday A. 2-3 Sets: – 5 RDL + 5 Back Squat + 5 Kang – 5 Inchworm + 5 BB Press + 30s Box Shoulder Stretch – 5 Cossack (each) + 10 PVC Passthrough B. 2-3 Sets: – Deadlift X 5 + Walking lunge to fatigue – BB Strict Press X 5 + Pushups to...


Monday A. 2-3 Sets” – 50’ Walking Lunge w/ 5s pause/stretch on ground – 5 Inchworm + 30s OH Stability hold *HS hold or BB/DB Overhead hold – 30s Single Leg Glute Bridge + 10 Monster Steps (each) B. 2-3 Sets: – “tough” set of UB FR Step back...


Monday A. 2-3 Sets: – 60s Alt. Plank Shoulder Taps – Box Shoulder Stretch X 20s each (both palms down+up) – 5 Strict + 5 Push Press (both from FR and behind neck) B. 3-4 Sets: – Strict Press X 6-8 Rest 30s – Bent Over Row X 8-10 Rest 30s...

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