
Monday A. 2-3 Sets: -8-10 1 arm FR lunge + 2 press (each) – 5-6 Cossack Squats w/ KB in goblet position – 5 Muscle Clean +5 Press + 5 Back Squats + 5 thrusters (back rack) B. 3 Sets: – Alt. Rev BB back rack Lunge X 5-6 (each) + “tough” set of...


Monday A. 2-3 Sets – 30s Hip Flexor (each) + 5 Ido Press + 5 Sky Reach + 5 cossack (each) – 5 Inchworm + 30s nose to wall hold + 10 PVC Pass Through -20s Hollow Hold + 8-10 Alt. 1-leg V-ups (each) + 20s hollow hold B. Every 3 mins for 15 (5 sets): –...


Monday A. 2-3 Sets: – 30s Hip Flexor Stretch (each side)+25’ Walking Lunge – ½ kneel DB/KB press X 6-8 – Single arm plank x 60s (switch every 10s) B. 3-4 Sets: – (Alt. Reverse lunge + 2 FS) X 6-8 – Seated 1 arm DB/KB Press X 8-10 – 3-point barbell leg raise X 8-10 C....

3/23-3/29 (quarantine week 1)

Monday A. 2-3 Sets: – 5 Inchworm+ 10 PVC Passthrough – 5 Cossack Squats + 10 kang Squats B. 10 min EMOM: 1) Squat Clean + 4 Squat Cleans 2) 5 Push Press + 4-5 BF Burpees C. “The Chief” 5 Sets: 3 mins on/1min rest – 3 Power Cleans (135/95) – 6...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X 5.4.3 (add weight to last week) B. 3 Sets: – Standing BB Press X 5 + AMRAP Push Press (add weight to last week) *complete the 5, rack the bar and rest 15-20s, then complete pushpress C. For Time: (10 Min Cap) – 50...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X 4.4 (15s)-Add weight B. 3 Sets: – Seated BB Press X 6 (add weight) C. For Time (7 Min Cap): – 30/24 Cal Row – 30 Deadlifts (135/95) (+185/135) – 30 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Tuesday *Final progression for...

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