
Monday A. 2-3 sets: w/ blank BB – 5 Tall Jerk – 5 Jerk (no dip) – 5 Split Jerk (from behind neck) + Build to todays “tough” – 2 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk (from rack) B. Open 19.3 For Time (10 min Cap): – 200’ 1DB OH Walking Lunge (50/35)...


Monday A. 4 Sets: 3 min AMRAP – 500/420m Row – AMRAP Pullups (+C2B) w/ remaining time Rest 3 mins *2:15 cap on the row B. 3 Sets: – Strict Ring Dips X 6-8 – Pushups X 12-15 (add weight if easy) – 100’+ Farmer Carry (heavy as possible)...


9/16-9/21 Monday A. 4-5 Sets: – Strict Press X 2-3 (add 5-10lbs to last week) B. 3 Sets: – 500/420m Row – 4 BF Burpe – 6 UB Clean & Jerk (135/95) (165/115) – 32 DUs (64 singles) Rest 3 mins between sets Tuesday A. 4 Sets: – Back...


Monday A. 10-15 mins to Build to todays “tough” – Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat B. 3 Sets: – 500/420m Row – 10 UB TnG Power Cleans (135/95) (165/115) – 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Rest 3 Mins between Tuesday A. 3 sets” –...


Monday “Labor Day WOD 2019” A. 4 Rounds For Time w/ a partner: – 40 KB Swings (53/35)(+70/53) – 40 BBJO (24/20) – 40/35/30 Cal Bike/row (switch each round) – 40 Pullups – 40 Wall Balls (20/14) (+30/20) Tuesday A. 10 Min EMOM:...


Tuesday A. 5 Min AMRAP: – 10/7 Cal Row – 10 Pullups Rest 5 mins B. 10 Min AMRAP: – 5 Power Cleans (135/95) – 10 T2B – 30 DUs Rest 5 mins C. 5 Min AMRAP: – 10/7 Cal AB – 5 BBJO (24/20) Wednesday A. Build to a “tough” –...

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