
Monday A. 4 Sets: – Back Squat X 6 (add weight) B. 7 Min AMRAP: – 40 DB Step Ups (50/35) to 24/20” – 150 DUs (+90 Heavy DUs) – AMRAP Pullups (+C2B) Rest 3 mins B. 7 Min AMRAP – 30 Pullups (+C2B) – 150 DUs (+90 Heavy DUs) –...


Monday A. Every 75s for 8 sets – 3 strict press + 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk (build to heavy) B. 20 Min AMRAP: – 10 Alt. DB Hang C&J (50/35)- 5 on each – 8 T2B – 10 1DB Devils press (50/35) – 8 Pullups (+C2B) Rest 60s Tuesday A. 4...


Monday A. 4 Sets – Back Squat X 8 (add weight) B. For Time: (18 cap) – 1k /930m Row – 50 Deadlifts (185/135) (+225/155) – 50/40 Cal AB – 50 DB Step ups (50/35) to 24/20 Tuesday A. 3-4 Sets: – AMRAP UB BB Strict Press (95/65)...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X 9 (add weight) B. 9 Min EMOM 1) 6-8 Deadlifts (225/155) (+275/185) 2) 8-10 T2B 3) 10-12 Box Jump Overs (24/20) (+30/24) @ 10:00 C. 9 Min AMRAP: – 8 Deadlifts (185/135) (+225/155) – 10 T2B – 12 Box Jump Overs...


Monday A. 3-4 Sets: – 2 Strict Press (add weight) Directly into – AMRAP Push Jerks Rest as needed B. For Time: 12-9-6 – Deadlifts (225/155) (+275/185) – BBJO (24/20) (+30/24) Into: 21-15-9 – Power Clean (95/65) (+135/95) – BF...


Monday A. 3-4 Sets: – 3 Strict Press (add weight) Directly into – AMRAP Push Jerks Rest as needed B. 7 Min AMRAP: – 30 Deadlifts (185/135) (+225/155) – 20 BF Burpees – AMRAP HSPU (+Deficit 2″/1″) Rest 3 mins C. 7 Min AMRAP...

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