
Monday A. 18 Min EMOM: 1) 12-15 Wall Ball (20/14) (30/20) 2) 8-10 Hang Cleans (95/65) (135/95) 3) 3-4 Sand Bag OTS (100/70) (150/100) B. 2-3 Sets: – (FR Rev. Lunge (each) + 2 FS) X 4-5 – L Sit Hold On Paralette X 25-35s Tuesday A. 4 Sets: – Bench...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Front Squat X 6 @ 31X1 (heavy as possible) Rest 30s – AMRAP UB Wall Balls (20/14)(30/20) Rest 3-4 mins B. 2-3 Sets: – 50’ DB OH Walking Lunge (Right arm) – AMRAP Strict Pullups – 50’ DB OH Walking Lunge (left arm)...


Monday “Max Out Monday” A. Find new 1RM Back Squat B. Practice Pullup Skills + 5 Min AMRAP (if time allows) 2-4-6-8…. – Pullups (RX+= C2B) – Thrusters (75/55) (RX+=100/70) Tuesday “Knick-Knack PaddyWhack” A. 5-10 Mins to practice HSPU + 10 Min EMOM: 1)...


Monday “ Paper Shredder” A. 3 Rounds (1 round every 7 mins): – 60s Max Pullups Rest 30s – 60s Max S2OH (135/95) Rest 30s – 60s Max Lateral Box Jump Overs (24/20) Rest 30s – 60s Max T2B Rest 90s B. 2-3 Sets NFT: – Strict Pullup X AMRAP +...


Monday A. 2 Sets: – Back Squat X 15 @ 60% of 1RM Rest as needed *If no 1RM, add ~15lbs to weight hit for “2” last week B. For Time: 1-2-3-4…..10 – Goblet Squats (70/53) – Pullups Tuesday A. EMOM to Fail: 1) 1 S2OH (105/80) + 20 DUs 2) 2 S2OH (105/80)...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – AMRAP UB Strict Press (add 5-10lbs from last week) Rest 60s – AMRAP UB Strict Pullups Rest 60s – AMRAP UB Hang DB C&J (50/35) Rest 4 mins between sets B. 7 Min AMRAP: – Max T2B *Every minute including 0:00 complete 5...

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