
Monday A. 3 Sets: – Front Squat X 3 @ 21X1 Rest only 2 mins between B. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X 5 @ 21X1 Rest only 2 mins between C. 9 Min Clock: 0-3) AMRAP Wall Balls (30/20) 3-6) AMRAP Cals Row 6-9) AMRAP Box Jump Overs (24/20) Tuesday A. 12 Min EMOM: 1)...


Monday A.3 Sets (3×5 min intervals): – 40s AMRAP Bench Press (165/95)- should be moving the whole time Rest 20s – 40s 2KB FR Walking Lunge (44/35) Rest 20s – 40s AMRAP Pushups Rest 20s – 40s AMRAP Air Squats Rest 1:20s B. For Time (15...


Monday A. 5-10 mins for Blank BB Snatch Drills + 10 Min EMOM: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 1-4) MOD 5-8) MOD-HEAVY 9-10) HEAVY B. 4 Rounds For Time: – 40 Air Squats – 20 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35) Tuesday “Jack” A. 20 Min AMRAP: – 10 Push Press (115/75)...


Monday A. 12 Min EMOM: 1) AMRAP “”tough” UB Set of Back Squats (185-225/135-155) 2) AMRAP “tough” UB Set of HSPU (scale DB or Barbell Strict press) 3) Rest B. 15 Min AMRAP: – 4 Burpees – 8 1-arm DB Hang clean & Jerk (50/35)- 4 each arm – 12 T2B...


Monday A. Bench Press 10-8-6-4-2 (add 5-10 TOTAL lbs to last weeks #s) + 2 Sets: – AMRAP UB Bench Press @ weight for “6” B. For Time (12 min Cap): – 50 BBJO (24/20) *Every minute, including 0:00 complete 5 Pushups Tuesday A. 10-15 Mins to practice Pullups...


Monday A. 5-10 mins to warm up/practice Pullups B. “Chelsea” Every minute for 30 minutes: – 5 Pullups – 10 Pushups – 15 Air Squats C. 5-10 min cool down + shoulder movement Tuesday A. 10 mins to warm up BB Snatch and Clean B.4 Min AMRAP: – 400m...

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