
Monday A. 10 mins to warm up Squat cleans + Build to todays “tough” – Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats (4 total squats) B. For time (10 cap): – 200 Air Squats *Every minute, including 0:00 coplete 5 burpees Tuesday A. 10 mins to practice HSPU/HS Walking B. 4...


Monday 5-10 mins to practice/warm up HSPU/HS Walks + A. 3 Sets: – AMRAP “tough” UB T2B Rest 30s – AMRAP “tough” UB HSPU Rest 30s B. 3 Sets: – 45s Bench Press (135/75) rest 15s – 45s Max BF Burpees rest 15s – 45s Max DUs rest 2:15 Tuesday...


Monday A. 3-4 Sets: – Pause Front Squat X 3 (1s in bottom) + 2 Front Squats (reg. tempo)- Add weight to last weeks rest as needed between B. 6 Min AMRAP: – 75 DUs – 30 BF Burpees – Max Front Squat (135/95) Rest 4 mins C. 6 Min AMRAP: – 75...


Monday A. 3-4 Sets: – Pause Front Squat X 3 (1s in bottom) + 2 Front Squats (reg. tempo) rest as needed between *Same weight across, challenge the pause but perfect form B. 3 Rounds For Time (15 min cap): – 75 DUs (150 singles) – 20 Deadlifts...


Monday “Upper Body Implosion” A. 3 Sets: – Bench Press X 4 @ 31X1 (3s down/1s pause/press out/1s at top) *Complete all 3 sets at heaviest load while maintaining tempo, try to add weight to last week! B. 3 Min AMRAP – 5 Pushups – 5 KB Swings (70/53)...


Monday “Booty on Fleek” A. 10 Mins to Build quickly to a “Mod-Heavy” w/ perfect Form – Back Squat X 1 @ 31X1 (compare to 6/5) + – 60s AMRAP Back Squats @ 70% of above Rest 60s – 60s AMRAP Back Squats @ 70% of above B. 13 Min AMRAP: – 10 KB...

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