
Monday “Tough Skills” A. 10-15 Minutes to warm up/practice HSPU/HS Walks B. 20 Min EMOM: 1) 12-14/8-10 Cals Row (or scale to ~40s work) 2) 1 “tough” UB Set of T2B 3) 1 “tough” UB Set of HSPU (complete strict if you have them) 4) 1 “tough” UB Set of DB...


Monday “AMRAP Mentality” A. 3 Sets: – Front Squat X AMRAP @ 31X1 (Use same weight as last week) *Goal is to increase 1+ reps toe each set from last week Rest 2-3 mins between sets B. 8 Min AMRAP: – 750/600m Row – 40 Box Jump Overs (24/20)...


Monday “Attack of the Midline” A. Spend 5-10 minutes warming up/practicing rope climbs B. 3 Sets: – Front Squat X AMRAP @ 31X1 (185-225/135-155) *Goal is NO LESS THAN 5 reps. PERFECT REPS Rest 30-60s – 2-3 Rope Climbs (if easy, mix in some legless) Rest...


Monday “Shoulders Like Dwight” Warm up: A. Push Press 5-4-3-2-1 (build to heavy) + 1 AMRAP @ set of “4” B. Every 5 mins for 3 sets: – 45s DB Push Press (50/35) Rest 15s – 45s KB Swings (53/25) Rest 15s – 45s Pushups Tuesday “Squat Marathon” A. 10...


Monday “Memorial Day Murph” *Only classes are 5am/7am/9am! A. SOLO Version: For Time: – 1 Mile Run – 100 Pullups – 200 Pushups – 300 Air Squats – 1 Mile Run *May be partitioned into 20 rounds of 5/10/15 B. Partner Version: 1...


Monday “I heard you liked last Monday…..” A. 10 mins for BB Clean warm Up B. 5 Rounds For Time: – 5 Front Squat (135/95) – 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Rest 1:1, then: B. 5 Rounds For Time: – 10 Wall Balls (20/14) – 20 KB Swings (50/35) Rest 1:1,...

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