
Monday A. 7 Min EMOM: 1-4) Hi-hang Power Snatch X 3 5-8) Hang Power Snatch X 2 + 8 Mins to accumulate “heavy singles – Power Snatch X 1 B. 4-5 Sets: – OHS X 3 @ 31X1 (add weight) Rest as needed C. 4-5 Sets: – Snatch Pulls X 3 @ heavier than “A” D....


Monday A. 8 Min EMOM: 1-4) Hi-hang Power Snatch X 3 5-8) Hang Power Snatch X 2 + 7 Mins to accumulate “heavy singles – Power Snatch X 1 B. 4-5 Sets: – OHS X 4 @ 31X1 (add weight) Rest as needed C. 4-5 Sets: – Snatch Pulls X 3 @ heavier than “A” D. 10...


Monday A. Back Squats 10-8-6-4-2 (build to heavy) + 1-2 Sets: – AMRAP UB @~70% B. 3-4 Sets: – RLE Split Squat X 8-10 @ 31X1 (each) – Wtd. Cossack X 8-10 @ 31X1 (each) C. For Time: – 200 Air Squats *Every 2:30 & 0:00 = 15/12 Cals AB Tuesday...


Monday A. 10 min EMOM: 1-3) Hi-hang Power Clean X 3 3-6) Hang Power Clean X 2 7-10) Power Clean X 1 B. Front Squats – 3×3 @ 31X1 – 3×2 @ 31X1 – 3×1 @ 31X1 C. Optional Metcon 10 Rounds For Time: 10/8 Cal AB 15 Air Squats Rest 1:1...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – 5 FS (95/65) – 8-10 T2B – 5 Thrusters (95/65) Rest 60s B. 3 Sets: – 5 FS (95/65) – 8-10 Pullups (+C2B) – 5 Thrusters (95/65) Rest 60s C. 3 Sets: – 5 FS (95/65) – 4-5 C2B (+Bar MU) – 5 Thrusters...


Monday A. 30 min EMOM: 1) 6 Squat Snatch (95/65) (+135/95) 2) 8-10 BF Burpee 3) 12/9 (+15/12) Cal Row 4) 8-10 DB Step ups (50/35) to 24/20 5) 8-10 Pullups (+C2B or 3-4 bar MU) 6) Rest *Each set subtract 1 rep on snatch, add 10-20lbs Tuesday A. 5-6 Sets: – Front...

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