

Monday A. 5-6 Sets: – Squat Clean & Jerk X 1.1 *all @ 7/10 effort, do not exceed! B. 12 Min AMRAP: – 10 1DB Hang C&J (50/35)-switch after – 10 T2B – 10 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35) – 35 DUs Tuesday A. 30 Min EMOM: 1) 12/9 (+15/12) Cals...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – 8-10 (PER LEG) BB Back Rack step back lunges Rest as needed *increase weight or reps B. 10 Rounds For Time: (20 Cap) – 8 T2B – 10 1DB Hang C&J (50/35) – switch @5 reps – 14/12 Cal Row *must reset rower each round...


Monday A. 10 Min AMRAP: – 3 Wall Walks – 6 Power Snatch (95/65) (+135/95) – 9 BF Burpees Rest 5 mins B. 10 min AMRAP – 3 HSPU (+Strict) – 6 Power Cleans (95/65) (+135/95) – 9 BF Burpees Tuesday A. 3 Sets: – 8-10 BB Back Rack...


Monday A. 2 sets: 10-8-6-4-2 -Front Squats (add 10-20lbs to last week) 5-4-3-2-1 -wall walks B. 7 Min AMRAP: 3-6-9-12…. -power snatch (75/55) -T2B Tuesday A. 20 Min AMRAP: -30/24 Cal Row -20 BF Burpees -60 DUs B. Tabata (20s on/10s off) 10 sets: -DB renegade row...


Monday A. 2 Sets NFT: 10-8-6-4-2 – FS (95/65) (+135/95) from Floor – HSPU (+Strict) B. For Time: (12 Cap) 3 Rounds: – 8 Power Cleans (95/65) (+135/95) – 8 BF Burpees 3 Rounds: – 10 clean & Jerk (75/55) (+95/65) – 10 BF Burpees...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – 90s Row (30easy/30s mod/30fast) Rest 20s – Deadlifts X 70-75% of last weeks biggest set Rest 20s – 30 Wall Balls AFAP (match last weeks ball weight) Rest 4 mins B. 2-3 Sets: – RLE Split Squat X 8-10 Into – 1DB Step Ups...

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