For time…

1 mile run,

5 minute rest, then…

21-15-9 of,

Hang Snatch (65/95) CRX (75/115),

Push ups  (CRX) Ring Push Ups,



With barbell only,

(x5) Strict press, push press & push jerk.

(x3) front squat: 1/4 squat, 1/2 squat & full squat with 2 second pause on bottom.

(x3) Clean pull from mid-thigh, above knee & below knee.

(x3) Clean high pull from mid-thigh, above knee & below knee.

(x3) Tall clean received in full squat with 2 second pause at bottom.

(x5) Jerk balance, On-toe jerk unders, BNK split jerks.

Then with barbell loaded to 50% 1RM,

(x3) Squat Clean & Push Jerk: from mid-thigh, above knee & ground.

(2×3) Roman Deadlift

(2×3) Pendlay Rows

Then with barbell loaded to 75% 1RM,

(x3) Clean 1st Pull, Clean Pulls, Clean High Pulls.

(x3) Complex: 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk.

Then: Squat Clean & Split Jerk (2-2-2) @ 75%, 80%, 90% of 1RM


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