10 Rounds of;

250 meter Row in 1 minute (Women),

300 meter Row in 1 minute (Men).

Run in two groups, one group rows while the other group rest, must complete row in one minute.

*Each round that you FAIL to complete in 1 min or less, results in 10 burpee penalty cash out. Burpee penalty cash out completed after last round.


(X3 each Position) Snatch Pull: from hip, mid thigh, & above knee.

(x3 each position) Snatch High Pull: from hip, mid thigh & above knee.

(x3 each position) Muscle Snatch: from hip, mid thigh & above knee.

(x3 each position) Overhead Squat with 2 sec. pause: 1/4 squat, 1/2 squat, full squat.

(x5) Tall Snatch.

(x5) Hang Power Snatch.

Then at 75% of 1RM: (3×3) Snatch 1st pull with 2 sec. pause above knee.

If time remaining: Snatch (1-1-1-1-1) @ 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90% of 1RM.


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