CrossFit Infernal – CrossFit

A: Metcon (2 Rounds for weight)

3 Sets Not For Time:

– 6 Strict Pullups (add weight if easy)

*Scale= 4 negatives+4 banded pullups

– 6 Strict Ring Dips (add weight if easy)

– accumulate 30-45s L-Sit Hold

*Scale= L-sit hold on bar or Hollow hold on floor
Record weight used

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


18 Minute AMRAP:

– 5 Muscle Ups

* Scale= 5 Strict Pullups+5 Ring Pushups

– 8 Power Cleans (185/125)

– 24 Box Jumps (30/24)

**“Mamba” celebrates the career of NBA legend Kobe Bryant. 18 minutes for his 18 consecutive All-Star game appearances, 5 ring muscle-ups for the 5 NBA championship rings he earned with the Lakers, 8 power cleans for his jersey number from 1997-2006, and 24 box jumps for his jersey number from 2006-2016.

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