CrossFit Infernal – CrossFit

A: Metcon (No Measure)

Every 90s for 12 Minutes (2 Sets Each)

1) Muscle Up X 3-5 (Ring or Bar)

*Scale= banded transition X 3-5 or Ring Dips X 6-8

2) 20 Arch to Hollow Rolls

3) 10-12 Supinated Ring Rows

*Try to make harder than last wee, if easy add 2111 tempo)

4) 45-60s of HS walking

*Scale= 45-60s Nose to wall hold

B: Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Sets:

2 Min AMRAP:

– Row 300/250m

– Max Reps Ring Dips

*If you have a Muscle up, Complete 1 MU and then work on dips

Rest 2 minutes between sets

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