
Monday A. Every 90s for 6 sets: – Back Squat X 3 @ 31X1 *complete all sets @ 90%+ of last weeks heaviest B. 4 Min AMRAP: – 20/15 Cal AB – 15 BBJO (24/20) – AMRAP Squat Cleans (95/65) (+135/95) Rest 4 Mins C. 4 Min AMRAP: – 20/15 Cal AB –...


Monday A. Every 90s for 12 mins (8 sets) – Back Squat X 4 @ 31X1 (build to heavy) B. 3 Sets: 3 min AMRAP: – 20 BF Burpees – AMRAP Power Cleans Rest 3 mins *RX Weights: Set 1) 95/65 (+135/95) Set 2) 115/75 (+165/115) Set 3) 135/95 (+185/135) Tuesday...


Monday A. 3-4 Sets: – Squat Clean + AMRAP FS @ 31X1 *Mod load, aiming for 8+ reps on the FS with PERFECT FORM B. 10 Min AMRAP: – 5 Deadlifts (115/75) – 7 Hang Squat Cleans (115/75) – 9 Box Jumps *If no box, do jumping squats Tuesday A. Build to...


Monday A. Accumulate: – 40 Front Squats (front floor) – 80 Pushups *use a MOD weight, shouldn’t be more than 10 reps on FS/set B. 2 Min AMRAP: – 15 BF Burpees – AMRAP Thrusters (95/65) w/ remaining time Rest 2 mins C. 2 Min AMRAP: – 15...


Monday A. 4-5 Sets: – TnG Power Clean X “tough UB” (Mod weight) Directly into – 30 Air Squats AFAP Rest as needed B. For Time: – 50 Front Squats (135/95) – 40 S2OH (115/75) – 30 Thrusters (95/65) *Every drop = 10 BF Burpees Tuesday 5-10...


Monday A. 3-4 Sets: – (Front Squat + Alt. Rev Lunge (each Leg)) X 6-8 – “Tough” set of pushups B. 5 Rounds For Time: – 12 DL (135/95) – 9 Hang Cleans – 6 S2OH *Every drop of BB= 15 Lat. Burpee Over the bar Tuesday A. 30 Min EMOM: 1) 8-10...

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