
Monday A. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X 3 (add 10-20lbs to last weeks weights) Rest as needed + 1X AMRAP 30/20lbs less than “A” B. For Time: (6 Min Cap) – 30/24 Cal AB – 30/ 24 Cal Row – 30 Front Squat (95/65) Tuesday A. Complete NFT: (20 min Cap)...


Monday A. 12 Min EMOM: 1) 30s AMRAP UB Bench (115/65) 2) 30s Hang DB Cleans (50/35) 3) 30s Ab Mat Sit-ups Rest 6 mins, then: B. 12 Min EMOM: 1) 30s Pushups 2) 30s Strict Pullups 3) 30s V-Ups Tuesday A. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X 4 (add 10-20lbs to last weeks...


Monday A. Every 3 mins for 8 (4 Sets) – 30s AMRAP UB S2OH (135/95) Into: – 1 AMRAP “tough” UB set of pullups B. 15 Min AMRAP: – 40 DUs – 20 DB Pushups – 30 DUs – 10 DB Cleans (50/35) Tuesday A. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X 5 @75%...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Back Squat X “tough” UB Set (match load to 2 weeks ago Mondays “bodyweight squats) Rest 30s – AMRAP “tough” Strict Press @ 65% of 2 weeks ago 1rm Rest 4 mins between sets B. For Time: – 50 1arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35)- 5...


Monday *This workout goes to the song. 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1 all the way up until completed “12 days of Christmas” 1) 200m Run (Row/Bike=12/9 Calories) 2) Power Snatch (135/95) 3) S2OH (135/95) 4) Front Squat (135/95) 5) Lateral Burpee Over The Bar 6) Hang Power...


Monday A. 2 Rounds: 5 Min AMRAP: – 45/35 Cal Row – AMRAP Bodyweight Back Squats w/ remaining time Rest 5 mins, then: 5 Min AMRAP: – 600m Run – AMRAP DB Front Squats (50/35) Rest 5 mins, then: Tuesday A. Complete NFT 10-9-8-7….1 – Bench...

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