Wednesday, September 17th

Warm up 5 minute aerobic/athlete choice. CrossFit/Performance 10min AMRAP… 200m Run, 1 Rope Climb, 5 Box Jumps (20/24). rest 5:00 10min AMRAP… 200m Row, 10 Walking Lunges, 30 Single unders. rest 5:00 10min AMRAP… 50ft Farmer Walk (#tough), 15 Sit-ups...

Thursday, September 18th

Warm up 500m Row + 10 Goblet squat x 3/rest 60 sec. b/t. CrossFit/Performance A1. Front Squat @ 2201; @ 70% (5×3)/60 sec. rest. A2. Single Leg Db RDL @ 3010; (8/leg x 3)/90 sec. rest. + 3 rounds/Each for time… 10 cal. row, 10 wall ball shots (14/20), 10...

Friday, September 19th

Warm up 400m Run + 3 sets of… 10 ext rotation, 10 ring rows, 10 db tricep ext. CrossFit/Performance 1A. CGBP @ 3010; 12,10,8,6/60sec –building. 1B. Single DB Row @ 2010; 4-6 x 4/2:00rest + EMOM for 10 minutes… odd– 30 sec. Handstand Hold,...

Saturday, September 20th

7am to 9am: CrossFit Weightlifting 9am: CrossFit Team Wod Saturday, September 20th was last modified: September 14th, 2014 by...

Monday, September 8th

CrossFit A1. Paused Back Squat @ 2201; 10,8,6,6 /60 sec. rest. A2. Strict Pull-ups @ 3100; 7-10 x 4 /90 sec. rest. B. Tabata Sit-ups; 20 sec. on /10 sec. rest x 8. + 3 rds for time… 400m Run, 20 Front Rack Walking Lunges (65/95), 10 Push Press (65/95), 5 Wall...

Tuesday, September 9th

A. Hang Power Clean EMOM x 3 @ 65-75% for 6 minutes. B1. RDL @ 3101; 4,4,4,4 /60 sec. rest. B2. DB Bench Press @ 2101; 12,10,8,6, /90 sec. rest. + 10,8,6,4,2 Man Makers (15/25), CTB Pull-ups. -Post time and any modifications. Tuesday, September 9th was last modified:...

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