Wednesday, September 24th

Warm up: Coaches Choice. CrossFit/Performance: 10min Amrap @ 85% effort… 5 Dead-LIft @ 60% TnG perfect technique, 10 Push-ups, 20 Double Unders/lat. hurdles. rest 2:00. 10min Amrap @ 85% effort… 5 DB Push Press, 10 Ring Rows, 3 wall walks. rest 2:00 10min...

Thursday, September 25th

Warm up: 500m Row + 10 Goblet squat x 3 sets/rest 60 sec. b/t. CrossFit/Performance: A. Bulgairian Single Leg Squats @ 3101; 6-8 x 4/2:00 rest. B1. Single Db Row @ 2001; 6-8 x 4/ 90 sec. rest. B2. L-Sit DB Shoulder Press @ 3001; 8-10 x 4/90 sec. rest. + 4 sets @...

Friday, September 26th

Warm-up: 400m Run + 3 sets of… 10 ext. rotation + 10 ring rows + 10 dumbbell tricep ext. CrossFit/Performance: A1. Seated Behind Neck Shouler Press @ 3010; 12,10,8,6/60 sec. Building. B1. Eccentric Pull-ups (5 sec. lowering) 3,3,3,3 (use load if easy)/2:00 rest....

Saturday, September 27th

7am to 9am: CrossFit Weightlifting Coach Nick Wakins. *Weightlifter must be off main floor by 9am. 9am: CrossFit Team Workout. Saturday, September 27th was last modified: September 21st, 2014 by...

Monday, September 15th

Warm up 400m Run + 3 rounds of… 10 lunges + 2 Wall Walks + 10 Russian KB Swings. CrossFit/Performance A1. DB Front Rack Step ups; 8 each leg x 4/60 sec. rest. A2. Pendlay Row 8-10 x 4/90 sec. rest. + 15min. AMRAP… 5 Pull ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Air squats,...

Tuesday, September 16th

Warm Up 400m Run, Dynamic stretches. CrossFit/Performance A1. Seated DB Shoulder press @ 3010; (6-8 x 4)/30 sec. rest. A2. DB Hammer Curls @ 4010; (8-10 x 4)/30 sec. rest. A3. Good Mornings @ 4112; (12 x 4)/60 sec. rest. + For time… 21-15-9 KB Swings (35/53),...

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