
Monday A. 3 Sets: – Hang Squat Clean X 1.1.1 (Heavy across) B. 3 Sets: – Clean Grip DL X 5 @ 31X1 (heavy across) C. “Optimus Prime” 7 Min AMRAP: – Max Wall Balls (20/14) *every min, including 0=7 Deadlifts (225/155) Tuesday A. Accumulate the...


Monday A. Build to todays “tough” – 2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk B. 12 Min AMRAP: – 40 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35) – 30 HSPU – 20 Pullups – 10 Clean & Jerk (135/95) (+185/135) Tuesday A. Front Squat (FINAL WEEK) 5 @ 79% 3 @ 84% 1 @ 89% 5 @...


Monday A. 3-4 Sets: – Strict Press X 5-6 (heaviest across) Rest 60s – Ring Pushups X 15-20 (2-3 sets max) Rest 60s B. 18 min AMRAP: – 250/200m Row – 12 BBJO Rest 60s after each round *Goal to keep pacing ~ 2mins/round to achieve 5-6 rounds...


Monday A. 3 Sets: – Squat Snatch X (Mod-heavy across) Rest 30s – Pullup (+C2B) X 5.5.5 Rest as needed B. 10 Min AMRAP: – 10 Front Squat (95/65) – 15 Box Jumps (24/20) – 15 Front Squats (115/75) – 15 Box Jumps – 20...


Monday A. Build to “tough” – Split Jerk X 3 B. `12 Min AMRAP: – 100’ 1 DB OH Walking Lunge – 50 Wall Balls (20/14) – 100 DUs – 25 T2B Tuesday A. 3 Sets: – Banded Deadlift X 5.5.5 (rest 10s) Rest 30s – Ring Dips X 8-10 Rest 3-4...


Monday A. 10 mins to Build to MOD – Squat Clean B. Open 18.2 12 min Cap For Time: 1-2-3-4….10 – DB Squats (50/35) – BF Burpees Then, w/ remaining time: – 1RM Clean Tuesday A. Build to “tough” – Push Press + Push Jerk + Split jerk B. For...

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