Tuesday 1/2/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: SnatchA. Spend 10-15 minutes with the blank barbell going through warm ups/drills + 10 Min EMOM: – Squat Snatch X 1.1.1 (start light, and only increase weight if form is PERFECTB: Metcon (3 Rounds for time)3 Sets For Time:...

Monday 1/1/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)**No Classes! Only Open Gym 9am-1pm** 2018 Kick Off Wod: “25 AMRAP” – 200m Run – 18 BBJO (24/20) – 18 Power Cleans (95/65) – 18 HSPU – 18 C2B – 18 Thrusters...

Sunday 12/31/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)Open Gym: 8:30am-10:30am [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Sunday 12/31/2017 was last modified: December 24th, 2017 by...

Saturday 12/30/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFit**9am class today!**A: The CrossFit Total (Total Weight)**Compare to last year!! If you didn’t make it, set some new #s for next year! [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Saturday 12/30/2017 was last modified: December 23rd, 2017...

Friday 12/29/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (Time)For Time: – 30 Power Cleans (115/75) – 30 Wall Balls (20/14) – 30 BF Burpees – 20 Power Cleans (115/75) – 20 Thrusters (115/75) – 20 BF Burpees – 10 Power Cleans (115/75)...

Thursday 12/28/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (Time)For Time: – 1k Row – 40 C2B – 200m Farmer Carry (70/53) – 40 Pullups – 200m Farmer Carry (70/53) -1k RowB: Metcon (No Measure)6 Rounds: – 20s Hollow Rocks 10s rest – 20s Arch...

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