Wednesday, Sept. 3rd

A. Close grip Bench press @ 3010; 3-5 x 4 / 60sec. rest. B. Single DB/KB Row @ 2010; 6-8 x 4 / 90sec rest. For time… 1500m Row, 50 KBS, 30 Burpees. Wednesday, Sept. 3rd was last modified: September 1st, 2014 by...

Thursday, Sept. 4th

Drills: Push Press and Push Jerk. A. RDL @ 4111; 5,5,5 / 60sec rest—moderate wt. B. Push Press x 2 + Push Jerk x2 TnG build to a tough complex- 10min cap. *TnG is from the shoulder, not from the ground. + 3sets; each for time 350 meter Row, 15 Sit ups, 10 No Push ups...

Friday, Sept. 5th

A1. BB Front Rack Step ups 6 each leg x 4/ 60sec rest. A2. Weighted Pull-ups 5-7 x 4 /90sec rest. Eccentric pull-ups for those who can’t do wt. 4sec. down. + 3rds for time… 800M Run, 25 Push-ups, 25 Good Mornings with moderate weight. * Quality of movement is a...

Saturday, Sept. 6th

7am to 9am: CrossFit Weightlifting with Nick Wakins. 9am: CrossFit Team Wod. Saturday, Sept. 6th was last modified: September 1st, 2014 by...

Monday, August 25th

Clean & Jerk find 1RM. note: can be Power Clean. + 500m Row. 90 sec. rest — on rower. 500m Row. Monday, August 25th was last modified: August 25th, 2014 by...

Tuesday, August 26th

A. 20RM Back Squat. Start at 60%, if successful add 10% and try to complete. Any following attempts from here add only 5%. Stop once your unable to complete. + For time

… 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders/Lat. hurdles if unable to perform DU’s. 

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