Wednesday, August 27th.

5rds @ 85%… 200m Run 10 Sit ups, 10 Push ups. 5:00 rest 5 rds @ 85%… Farmer Carry 50ft HEAVY, 30 Double Unders/Lat. Hurdles if unable to perform DU’s. TGU 4 alternating tough. 5:00 rest 5rds @ 85%… 150m Row, 1 Rope Climb or 3 lay backs, 8-10 KB...

Thursday, August 28th

Power Snatch: Find 1RM. Then… 10 min. AMRAP of… 15 Power Snatch (55/75), 
30 Double Unders or 30 Lat. Hurdlers if unable to perform DU’s. Thursday, August 28th was last modified: August 25th, 2014 by...

Friday, August 29th

A1. Front Squat 75% @ 3210; 3-4 reps x 4 sets / 90 sec. rest
. A2. Partner GHD Raises 10 x 4 / 2:00 rest
. GHD raises will be off abmat. Then… 500m Row for time
. Rest 2:00. Metcon
… 30 Push press (75/115), 30 Pull ups,
 30 Burpee’s. 
Rest 2:00....

Saturday, August 30th.

Classes cancelled for Infernal Weightlifting Meet. Last day of testing will be held Sunday between 7am and 9am. Saturday, August 30th. was last modified: August 25th, 2014 by...

Sunday, August 31st

Last Day of Testing. Pick one of the following… 100TGU (18/26). 10k Row

. 3 K Run. Sunday, August 31st was last modified: August 25th, 2014 by...

Monday, August 18th

A. Find 1RM Back Squat. *Athletes who cannot perform a back squat with perfect form, will find their 20 RM Goblet Squat with the heaviest kettle bell possible using perfect form. B. Back Squat: As many reps as possible at 85% of 1RM. C. Single leg bulgarian split...

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