Tuesday, June 3rd

CROSSFIT   Skills: 10 to 15 minutes of muscle-up progressions. Bench Mark: “Jackie” 1000M Row 50 Thrusters 30 Pull Ups *Adequate rest, then core circuit, coaches choice. Tuesday, June 3rd was last modified: June 2nd, 2014 by...

Wednesday, June 4th

CROSSFIT Strength: Push Jerk (5-5-5) @ 70%, 75%, 80% of 1RM Metcon: 4 Rounds for time… 9 Deadlifts (95/135), 15 Ring Dips, 21 Slam Balls (15/20). ON-RAMP Skills: Toes-to-bar & Front Squats. Metcon: 21 -15 – 9 Toes-to-Bar, Front Squats. Wednesday, June 4th was last...

Thursday, June 5th

CROSSFIT Metcon: For time… 10 Handstand Push-ups, 20 Ring Rows, 30 Clapping Push-ups, 40 Box Squat Jumps, 50 Toes-to-bar, 60 KB Swings (35/53), 70 Mountain Climbers, 80 Wall Balls (14/20), 90 Double unders. *Box Squat Jumps: jump and land in full squat on box,...

Friday, June 6th

CROSSFIT  Strength: Eccentric Pull-ups (3×5) 6 second count from top to bottom of pull-up. Eccentric Ring Dips (3×5) 6 second count from top to bottom of Dip. Metcon: 15 minute Amrap of … 3 Muscle Ups or 9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups, 6 Complex: Power clean + R...

Saturday, June 7th

7am-9am Infernal Weightlifting 9am  Crossfit Team WOD 11am – Isagenix Informational Seminar Saturday, June 7th was last modified: June 2nd, 2014 by...

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