Tuesday, April 22nd

CROSSFIT Metcon: 5 Rounds of… 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps (20/24), 30 One Arm Russian KB Swings (35/53). Tuesday, April 22nd was last modified: April 21st, 2014 by...

Wednesday, April 23rd

Strength: Push Press (5-3-1) @ 75%, 85%, 95% of 1RM.   Crossfit 15 minute Amrap of; 10 Turkish Get-ups with slam ball (10/15), 20 Lunges with slam ball (10/15), 30 Sit-ups.   On-Ramp   Review: Turkish get-ups, goblet squats, V-ups 10 min AMRAP 10 KB Turkish...

Thursday, April 24th

CrossFit Speed Drills: 5x 25 meter banded sprints. Metcon: Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters (65/95), Pull-ups. Thursday, April 24th was last modified: April 21st, 2014 by...

Friday, April 25th

Crossfit Strength:  Find 1RM Deadlift. Metcon: Masters Qualifier 3 3 Rounds for time.. 50 Calorie Row, 15 Handstand Push-Ups, 50 Double Unders. On-Ramp 3 Rounds for time 50 Cal Row 15 Push Ups 150 Singles Masters 3 Rounds for time 40 Cal Row 15 Push Ups 40 Double...

Monday, April 14th

CrossFit Strength: Back Squat (3-3-3) @ 80%, 85%, 90% of 1RM. Metcon: 3 rounds for time… 6 Handstand Push-ups, 12 Power Cleans (65/95), 400 meter Run. On-Ramp Skills: Push-ups, Hang Power Cleans, Rowing. 3 rounds of… 8 push-ups, 12 Hang Power Cleans, 500 meter row....

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