Wednesday 3/21/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Warm-up (No Measure)10-15 minutes to practice C2BB: Metcon (No Measure)5 Min EMOM 1) 3 Thrusters (95/65) + 3 C2B 2) 4 Thrusters (95/65) + 4 C2B 3) 5 Thrusters (95/65) + 5 C2B 4) 6 Thrusters (95/65) + 6 C2B 5) 7 Thrusters (95/65) +...

Tuesday 3/20/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (No Measure)A. 10 mins to warm up BB snatch + a) 3 Rounds: – 6 BF Burpees – 6 Power Snatch (75/55) Rest 1:1, then: b) 3 Rounds: – 7 BF Burpees – 4 Power Snatch (95-115/65-75) Rest 1:1, then: c) 3...

Monday 3/19/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Front Squat3 Sets: – Front Squat X 2-3 @ 31X1 (same weight across) Rest as needed **Keep load manageable and complete PERFECT squats with ZERO movement in chest!B: Metcon (No Measure)15 Min EMOM: 1-5) 8-10 Wall Balls (20/14)...

Sunday 3/18/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)Open Gym: 8:30am-10:30am **If you are completing the open workout you must arrange with a Judge to be there prior to you coming in 🙂 [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Sunday 3/18/2018 was last modified: March 11th,...

Saturday 3/17/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)Open 18.4 heats 9am-11am *Sign up at gym!! [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Saturday 3/17/2018 was last modified: March 10th, 2018 by...

Friday 3/16/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)A. 18.4 TBA [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Friday 3/16/2018 was last modified: March 9th, 2018 by...

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