Monday 1/8/2017

CrossFit Infernal – Level 2 COMPWarm-up (No Measure)A. 3-4 Sets: – 1 SLOW Snatch DL + 1 SLOW snatch Pull @ 90-100% (5-6s into hips) Rest as needed *Focus on FEELING the weight in each position vs. ripping it off the ground just to pull fast B. Build to...

Sunday 1/7/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)Open Gym: 8:30am-10:30am [supsystic-social-sharing id=’1′] [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Sunday 1/7/2018 was last modified: January 11th, 2018 by...

Saturday 1/6/2018

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitWarm-up (No Measure)CrossFit: 9am-10am *coaches choice 😉 [supsystic-social-sharing id=’1′] [supsystic-social-sharing id="1"]Saturday 1/6/2018 was last modified: January 11th, 2018 by...

Friday 1/5/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)20 Min AMRAP w/ Partner (Divide work as needed) 2-4-6-8-10….. – Squat Clean (185/135) 5-10-15-20…. – Bench Press (155/75) *200m Run TOGETHER after each set [supsystic-social-sharing...

Thursday 1/4/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)5 Min AMRAP: – 7 Pushups – 14 Sit Ups Rest 5 Minutes, then:B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)10 Min AMRAP: – 5 DB Burpee Step Overs (50/35) (24”/20”) – 15 Hollow...

Wednesday 1/3/2017

CrossFit Infernal – CrossFitA: Metcon (4 Rounds for time)A. Every 7 Mins for 28 mins (4 Sets): – 36/30 Cal Row – 24 Wall Balls (20/14) – 12 Deadlifts (225/155) **goal for this is to stay UB on the wall balls and deadlifts!...

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