Tuesday, August 19th

A. Find 1RM Shoulder Press. B. Find 1RM Power Clean. C. 30 reps for time @ 75% of 1RM Power Clean. * Rest 5 minutes between each test. Then: “Helen” 3 Rounds for time… 400 meter Run, 21 KB Swings (35/53), 12 Pull-ups. Tuesday, August 19th was last...

Wednesday, August 20th

10 minute Amrap @ 85% effort of… 200 meter Run, 15 Air Squats, 6 Strict Pull-ups. *If athlete unable to do a strict pull-up, then substitute with strict ring rows. If athlete can do horizontal ring row then athlete may use a band to perform strict pull-ups. 4...

Thursday, August 21st

A. Find 1RM Front Squat. B. Find 1RM Squat Clean (competitors only). * Athletes who cannot perform 1RM Squat Clean will substitute with a 4 round tabata of Air Squats. A true squat clean is not power cleaning and then dropping into a front squat. A true squat clean is...

Friday, August 22nd

A. Find 1RM Deadlift. B. 10 rounds for time… 10 toes-to-bar, 10 box jumps (20/24). *Rx is box jumps, not step ups. Friday, August 22nd was last modified: August 16th, 2014 by...

Saturday, August 23rd

Heats will be set up for both Saturday and Sunday. See sign up sheets. 90 minute Amrap of… 1300 meter Row, 200 meter Farmers Carry (35/53), 10 Wall Walks (RX is chest to wall), 42 Double Unders. *For this endurance test, athletes may substitute with a 10K run....

Monday, August 11th

Strength: Push Press (5-3-1) @ 75%, 85%, 95% of 1RM. Metcon: For time… 1K Row, 20 wall balls (14/20), 30 pull-ups, 40 med ball lunges (14/20), 50 double unders/150 singles. ON-RAMP Skills: Push Press, KB swings, Slam Balls. Metcon: 10 minute Amrap of… 10 Slam...

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