Tuesday, June 24th

CROSSFIT Mobility: 10 to 15 minutes of mobility work. Metcon For time, Buy-in: 1000 meter row, Then 5 rounds of, 5 HSPU’s, 10 Pistol squats, 15 Sit ups. Cash out: 50 double Unders. Tuesday, June 24th was last modified: June 22nd, 2014 by...

Wednesday, June 25th

CROSSFIT Strength: EMOM for 7 minutes: 1 clean deadlift + 1 squat clean + 1 front squat + 1 jerk at 70% of 1RM Jerk. Metcon: 15 minute AMRAP of, 8 TGU’s, 10 T2B, 12 Box Jumps (20/24) ON-RAMP Skills: Deadlift, Burpees, Sit-ups Metcon: 10 Minute Amrap of…….. 5...

Thursday, June 26th

CROSSFIT Skills: 10 to 15 minutes of skills work. Metcon: 15-12-9-6-3 Deficit Push ups, V-ups, Jumping Squats. Thursday, June 26th was last modified: June 22nd, 2014 by...

Friday, June 27th

CROSSFIT “CrossFit Total” 1RM Back Squat + 1RM Shoulder Press + 1RM Deadlift = Crossfit Total * Performed in this order. ON-RAMP Skills: Hang Cleans & Wall Balls. Metcon:  4 Rounds for time: 8 hang cleans, 15 wall balls.   Friday, June 27th was...

Saturday, June 28th

CROSSFIT Infernal Weightlifting 7am-9am Crossfit Team 9am     Saturday, June 28th was last modified: June 22nd, 2014 by...

Monday, June 16th

CROSSFIT  Strength: Front Squat (5-3-1) @ 75%, 85%, 95% of 1RM. Metcon: Buy-in: 5 Muscle ups or 15 C2B pull ups, Then, 21-15-9 Box Jumps (20/24), Hang Snatch (55/75), Target Burpee’s. *Set target 6 inches above reach with arms fully extended in standing position...

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