Tuesday, June 17th

CROSSFIT Skills:  2. 3 to 5 Rope climbs *Don’t forget to wear a pair of long socks to protect your shins. Metcon:  EMOM for 30 minutes…. Min 1: 10 Cal Row, Min 2: 10 Wall Balls (14/20), Min 3: 10 KB Clean & Press (35/53), Min 4: 10 Spider-Man Push-ups,...

Wednesday, June 18th

CROSSFIT Strength: Push Jerk (5-3-1) @ 75%, 85%, 95% of 1RM. Metcon: 10 RFT: 30 Double Unders, 6 Strict HSPU’s. ON-RAMP Skills: Toe-to-Bar & Front Squats. Metcon: 21 -15 – 9 Toes-to-Bar, Front Squats. Wednesday, June 18th was last modified: June 15th, 2014...

Thursday, June 19th

CROSSFIT Skills:  10 minutes of mobility work. Metcon: 5RFT: 10 Front Squats (65/95), 10 KB Swings(35/53), 10 Ring Dips. *If unable to perform ring dips, each round complete 5 eccentric ring dips with a four second count from top to bottom. Thursday, June 19th was...

Friday, June 20th

CROSSFIT Strength: 3×8 Strict Dead Hang Pull-ups. *If unable to perform strict pull ups, complete 3×5 eccentric pull ups with a four second count from top to bottom. METCON:  12 minute AMRAP… 20 Goblet Lunges (35/53), 12 TTB,8 Deadlifts (95/135). 12...

Saturday, June 21st

Infernal Weightlifting: 7am-9am Crossfit Team WOD: 9am Saturday, June 21st was last modified: June 15th, 2014 by...

Monday, June 9th

CROSSFIT Strength:  Front Squat (3-3-3) @ 75%, 85%, 90% of 1RM. Metcon: * Each movement is to be completed unbroken. Bar must not return to ground until reps are completed. Five burpee penalty if bar touches ground before movement is completed. For time… Buy-in: 50...

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