Tuesday, June 10th

CROSSFIT Skills: 10 to 15 minutes of skill work. Metcon: For time… 30-20-10 Pull-ups, Box Jumps (20/24), Wall Balls (14/20). Tuesday, June 10th was last modified: June 9th, 2014 by...

Wednesday, June 11th

CROSSFIT Strength: Push Jerk (3-3-3) @ 75%, 85%, 90% of 1RM Metcon: 15 minute Amrap of, 10 Deadlifts (95/115), 10 Knees to elbow, 10 Weighted Burpee’s (25/45) *bumper plate. ON-RAMP/MASTERS Skills: Air Squats, V-Ups, Push-ups METCON: For time… 500 meter row, then, 3...

Thursday, June 12th

CROSSFIT  Skills: 10 to 15 minutes of skill development. Metcon: For Time… 5 Rounds of, 12 Power Cleans (65/95), 10 Jumping Squats, 5 HSPU’s. Thursday, June 12th was last modified: June 9th, 2014 by...

Friday, June 13th

CROSSFIT 10 Minutes of mobility work. Metcon: “Grace” For time… 30 Clean & Jerks ON-RAMP Skills: Hang Cleans & Wall Balls. 4 Rounds for time: 8 hang cleans, 15 wall balls. Friday, June 13th was last modified: June 9th, 2014 by...

Saturday, June 14th

Infernal Lifting 7am-9anm Crossfit Team WOD 9am Saturday, June 14th was last modified: June 9th, 2014 by...

Monday, June 2nd

CROSSFIT Strength: Front Squats (5,5,5) @ 70%, 75%, 80% of 1RM Metcon: For time…. Complete 100 Lateral OTB Burpees, Begin EMOM with 3 Hang Squat Cleans (65/95). *20 minute cap on workout. Score is time or number of burpee’s completed.   ON-RAMP...

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