Tuesday, April 8th

CROSSFIT Metcon: For time…. 1200 meter Run or 1500 meter Row, 63 double unders, 36 Russian twist (15/25), 800 meter Run or 1000 meter Row, 42 double unders, 24 Russian twist, 400 meter Run or 500 meter Row, 21 double unders, 12 Russian twist. * Athlete’s choice: May...

Wednesday, April 9th

CROSSFIT Strength: Back Squat (5-5-5) @ 75%, 80%, 85% of 1 RM. Metcon: 30-20-10 Box jumps (20/24), Shoulder to Overhead (65/95), Toes to Bar. ON-RAMP Skills: Row, Push press, box jumps, toes to bar/knee tucks. 21-15-9 Box jumps/Step-ups Push Press, Toes to Bar/Knee...

Thursday, April 10th

CROSSFIT Skills: 10 to 15 minutes of skill work. Metcon: “Death by Wall Balls” 1st minute, 1 wall ball (14/20), 2nd minute, 2 wall balls, 3rd minute, 3 wall balls, …. Continue until unable to complete required reps. Thursday, April 10th was last modified: April 6th,...

Friday, April 11th

CROSSFIT  Strength: 3x ME Deficit Push-ups with 2 minutes rest b/t sets. Metcon: EMOM for 20 minutes: 2 Curtis P’s (65/95) Power clean + RL lunge + LL lunge + Push Press. ON-RAMP Skills: Hang Power clean, front rack lunge, push press. METCON: EMOM for 20 minutes.. 2...

Saturday, April 12th

7am-9am Infernal Weightlifting w/Nick 9:00am Team WOD   Saturday, April 12th was last modified: April 6th, 2014 by...

Monday, March 31st

CROSSFIT  Strength: Deadlift (5-5-5) @ 60% of 1RM Metcon: 3 Rounds for time… 6 Complex: 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS  (65/95), 12 Pull –ups. On-Ramp: Skills: Snatch Air Squats Pull-ups Metcon:   3 Rounds for time: 6 hang-power snatch, 10 Pull-up/Ring Rows, 15 Squats....

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